I've been meaning to set up a new website for a while. A place to host the art I'm working on now, things that are new & fresh. It took meeting someone my age & who's in a very similar place. She's an amazing artist. I saw her put herself out there at a recent show, putting things up for sale that she wasn't personally proud of, & knowing that she didn't lose money, but quite the opposite.
It all just seemed so silly: my fears, my concerns, my self-doubt. All it took was a body of work & a go-getter spirit! It's not really that easy, but at the same time...it is. Passion + Time = Success. Someone out there will like my art, even if I'm not 100% happy with it (which I'll never be anyway). I just have to find them. I have to put myself out there. I have to make as many connections as I can to find those people that want to buy my work.
A new website seems like a very good place to start. A logo & business cards will follow, as well as fleshing out the art pages on here. Updates will come on the progress of the graphic novel. I will do research & begin offering prints (& maybe originals)! And then some shows to add to my resume, some freelancing, some...
So, here's to new beginnings.